Industries > FMCG

Boost FMCG Operations : Streamline Inventory, Reduce Costs, Enhance Delivery

RouteMagic streamlines inventory, optimises deliveries, and empowers exceptional customer service, all while reducing costs.

How RouteMagic Helps FMCG Industry

Managing Operational Expenses

Expenses such as fuel costs, vehicle maintenance, labor wages, and administrative overhead pose a serious challenge. Overcoming this challenge involves implementing efficient route planning, optimising vehicle utilisation, and leveraging technology solutions to streamline operations and reduce unnecessary expenditures, ultimately improving profitability.

Efficient route planning creates optimized delivery routes for field reps, reducing overhead costs
Efficiently allocate jobs by route, area, or overall to optimize operations and minimize overhead costs
Adjust drivers and vehicles across routes as needed to fulfill operational requirements
Save field rep the cost of travelling back to warehouse or supplier's by allowing live van-to-van transfers
With suggested van loads based on customer history, avoid missing out on regularly ordered products, making the field operations easy

Inventory Management

Managing a large inventory in the Food Service sector involves the complex coordination of numerous product lines to optimise stock holding, ensuring that date sensitive products are effectively managed.

Optimise warehouse efficiency and product identification with Bin Locations
'Pick, Pack and Load orders' seamlessly using barcode scanning
Instant real-time visibility of stock holding across all warehouses and vans
Prevent stock outs by enabling live van-to-van stock transfers
Proactively prompt suggested replenishment orders to optimise van stock holding
Easily identify products by categorizing them into groups and classes
Full audit trail of all stock movements through a detailed 'Inventory Ledger'
Instant Back Office van stock tracking for better inventory control

Meeting Customer Expectations

The need for timely deliveries, accurate order fulfillment, and personalized service presents a significant challenge. Balancing these demands while managing dynamic market conditions and varying customer preferences requires robust logistics and efficient operations.

Meet customer expectations with a self-service Customer Portal for delivery PODs, invoices, and order updates
Automate customer-approved product lists with Whitelists and Blacklists
Enhance customer satisfaction and boost sales with customer default products and discounts
Improve customer's overall experience by providing real-time updates on ETA, PoD, and invoices
Ensure alignment with customer preferences and communicate instructions to drivers through notes

Real-Time Visibility into Route Progress

Without accurate delivery tracking systems, businesses struggle to monitor delivery schedules, anticipate delays, and provide timely updates to customers. Implementing technological solutions offers real-time insights into route progress, enabling businesses to optimize routes, address issues proactively, and enhance overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Get real-time updates on route and delivery progress by facilitating Live Communications
Meet industry and customer expectations, resolve field issues instantly by monitoring delivery performance
Keep tabs on field rep performance by enforcing service only if he/she is within customer -specified radius using GeoFencing
Track real-time development of delivery process with the help of Route Monitor

Meeting Regulatory Standards

Compliance with various regulations related to product quality, transportation, and safety is an important task and the need of the hour. Implementing robust technology systems and processes can aid in ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements, minimizing the risk of penalties, and maintaining consumer trust and confidence in the brand and products/services it provide.

Meet industry regulatory standards by conducting Vehicle Inspections in real-time
Ensure product integrity by capturing vehicle temperature in real-time

Adoption of Technology

Reluctance to invest in new systems, inadequate awareness of available technologies, and concerns about workflow disruptions hinder technology adoption in the FMCG industry. Educating stakeholders about technology adoption, proving efficiency and profitability gains, and supporting smooth integration into existing operations can overcome this challenge.

Implement technology by simplifying field and back-office operations with dedicated platforms
Overcome technological challenges by seamless integration of third-party apps with RouteMagic
Implement technology for decision making from sales and stock data with the help AI algorithms

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